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Facing Grief Publishing

Facing Grief Publishing's mission is to make the essays available to whoever will be comforted by their message. Below are the various ways this mission is being accomplished.

Facing Grief Publishing


A weekly Podcast which ran from August 12, 2020 to November 10, 2021 - based on 67 of the narrated essays. 

Visitors from all over the world have listened and benefited  from their message.

Facing Grief - the Podcast on soundcloud


The Facing Grief website is the home to all of the 166 essays as well as additional written materials. Over 60 essays have been narrated by the author.

You Tube

As an experiment, several essays were turned into videos and are hosted on a You Tube Channel.

Facing Grief on You Tube

Apple Books

Facing Grief - Selected Essays was published on Apple Books in March, 2020

Facing Grief on Apple Books

Speaker Deck

Similar to SlideShare, Speaker Deck is home to several essays that were converted to slide decks as an experiment.

Search for "Facing Grief - The Podcast" on on any of these Podcast platforms:

Facing Grief on Amazon Music
Facing Grief on Apple Podcasts
Facing Grief on Spotify


Several essays have been converted into presentations on SlideShare. 

Visitors from all over the world have viewed the essays that have been presented

Facing Grief on Slideshare
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