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It is interesting that in writing these past 48 essays there has not been a schedule, purpose or plan. I cannot write these on demand - rather the concepts hit me and then I have to write them down. They happen at the most unpredictable times.

I find comfort in writing them and as I am finding re-reading them. The premise being to see if I’ve spelled things correctly, etc. But in reality I get to experience those moments again and perhaps in some small way - distance myself from that time in which I wrote them.

There are no analytics involved. Rather I marvel at the timing of certain things and the reassuring wink I envision God giving me that yes, I am here and here’s a little analytical reminder that I know has significance to you - so that you can be comforted in some small way.

Thank you for your interest in reading what has been written here.

The best gift you can give me is to tell me about your experience in reading these essays.

Which ones touched you the most and why? Perhaps it is a writers curiosity. In reality I think it is my plea to continue our conversation about my life in the world of grief.

For those of us - it is not a bother.

It is a comfort.

Thank you for yours.

I am reminded of Jesus words to His disciples right before the end…

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 (NLT)

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