In this twelfth month of completeness then - it is a fitting moment to end this part of the journey with the eighth volume of essays. In God’s realm, the number 8 has an amazing significance.
In the Bible - many events of major significance occurred on - as the Bible puts it - “The Eighth Day”. Here are but a few:
Jesus presents Himself to the Father as the “Perfect Sacrifice” fulfilling the reality of the Wave Sheaf Offering on the Sunday of His resurrection. This profound moment occurring on - “the morrow after the Sabbath” as the King James explains it - the “eighth” day so to speak.
The Eighth day - as it is called - that day after the seven day Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated - picturing a time beyond the millennium when God’s plan for man has been fulfilled and eternity begins.
Pentecost - when the Church began was the day after seven weeks of seven days were completed - the 50th day in that cycle being the “eighth” day - the day after the last of the seven weeks had been completed.
Even the symbol for eternity itself is an eight on its side.